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Kick Off Season 8

Let's get this season 8 started, huh? Time for book choice submissions and voting!
The theme for this season is Mysteries. You can use the Mysteries theme to choose as few as 0 of your books, or 1, 2, or 3 of your books if you are really into it (bonus points for picking a mystery written by an underrepresented voice, or a classic mystery - jk, there are no points, but it is a cool idea to keep in mind to blend some of our past themes with the present). Beyond the theme, any and every genre of books is welcome. I mean, nobody has ever picked a cookbook, a book of poems, or a super ancient text (maybe for a reason...). Please just make sure they are books YOU are interested in reading. I suggest that you truly be yourself in your book choices - we want to read what you want to read! That’s the point of the group - to sometimes get out of our comfort zones, and have a shared experience through that journey. It's fun. 
After voting has ended, the books for the next season will be revealed, and ties will be broken at our  book club meeting in July. We typically meet the third Saturday of every other month, but will choose dates to accommodate big events (birthdays, weddings, world travel, etc.). Please put the dates in your calendar as soon as they are released. I usually give my spiel regarding the requirement to DO YOUR ABSOLUTE BEST to attend each meeting, but with the crazy reality Covid presents, this season has some serious flexibility built in. If you are uncomfortable meeting or hosting, if you, or a family member is not feeling well, and you can't make it, if zombies take over, etc., everyone will understand. That being said, if you are on the more cautious side of the Covid spectrum, I suggest you schedule your hosting time towards the end of season 8 (which spans 20 months, and will end in 2022). 
2022?? Yeah, every year we all get kinda blown away by the date of our final book club meeting of the season, but the time really just disappears - like a victim in a mystery. 
As for your submissions, you have two weeks to send me your 3 choices (between today, June 22 to July 6). I will upload the choices to our website after I relearn how to do it (same thing every'd think I'd write it down somewhere). 
Please paste the title and author of each book you choose into an email ONLY to me (amazon link is nice too). I will be posting these selections on our webpage and will let you know when voting is open.
Have fun picking out your books. It's really a joy for me to see what you choose, and I'm excited to get back into this season together. Just email me with any questions if you have them. 
Waving to you from the Mystery Machine,


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