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JANUARY 23, 2017

Thank you to everyone for picking such amazing books - 30 excellent choices for us! The results are in, and dates have been chosen. Here are the results:

3-18-17 Tiffany
  • Proof of Heaven by Dr. Eben Alexander
5-13-17 Kim
  • The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey
7-22-17 Daphne
  • The Atlantis Gene by A.G. Riddle
9-16-17 Jessica
  • A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Bachman
11-18-17 Gale
  • The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead
1-20-18 Julie
  • The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins
3-24-18 Debra
  • Ghettoside: A True Story of Murder in America by Jill Leovy
5-12-18 Ann
  • The Lost City of the Monkey God: A True Story by Douglas Preston
7-21-18 Lindsay
  • The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon
Book Choosing Period 7/21 -9/14 
9-15-18 Chelsea 
  • Born a Crime by Trevor Noah

JANUARY 10, 2017
For our fifth season of our book club we will have ten fabulous members joining us! Get ready for some amazing books to choose from...

JULY 13, 2015
Season 4 Winners:
Lindsay - Catherine the Great
Kim - The Paper Magician
Daphne - The Life Changing Magic of Tidying
Julie - Yes Please
Rosie - Glass Castle
Tiffany - Breaking Night
Debra - The Rosie Project
Chelsea - The Nightingale
Ann - Girl on the Train

APRIL 14, 2104
Hello again! We are coming to the end of our second year of book club. This year has been full of many interesting (and some frustrating to read) books, but always great camaraderie and conversation regardless. Thank you all for such a wonderful year, and wonderful food! We would like to welcome our two newest members of the crew for round 3, Kim and Tiffany. We look forward to all that you add to our group through your choices and thoughts in our meetings. Welcome back Ann, Daphne, Julie, and Rosie! Thank you for joining up again for the next season of fun.
Now let's get to our book choices!
I look forward to seeing what everyone has selected.

APRIL 1, 2013
It is book choosing time again; a time that I absolutely love. A little piece of our personalities can be traced to the books we choose, and in reading books chosen by our friends, we get to know them better. The first season comes to a close with our last book "Let the Great World Spin," which was a great one to end on. What an amazingly written, interesting read! I most likely would have never ever picked up any of the books we have read this past season, other than my own picks, but boy am I glad I had the chance to read each one. Even the books that were on the dry side, or that seemed awesome until we disected them (Miss Perigrines...) helped expand my mind out of the humdrum comfort zone of my normal reading choices.
So here is to the new season, a new member, and a year of incredible books, fellowship, conversation, and learning.

MARCH 19, 2012
Dear Book Club,
Thank you all so much for the wonderful first meeting last night. I love the wide range of books we have come together as a group to choose, and I feel like we will all grow and learn together over the next year.
I went on Amazon and found our book selection for for this month at $0.67 and up in the used section, 3.99 shipping, if anyone else is interested.
Here are links for all of our books with prices:
How Full is Your Bucket
Maltese Falcon from $0.13 plus 3.99
New copies of Paradise Beneath her Feet from $1.83 + $3.99
miss Perigrines isn't very cheap yet, might wait on that one, but new on amazon it is 11$ and change (free shipping with 25$)
Let the Great world spin from $.50 plus $3.99 shipping
NIght Circus isn't cheap yet either - too new...but here is the amazon link
Let's Pretend is a preorder:
Lost City of Z is only $0.14 plus shipping for those interested
Here is a recap of our meeting dates, books and hosts:
May 19
How Full is your Bucket
Host: Rosie
July 28
a. Let's Pretend This Never Happened
b. The Night Circus
Host: Becky
October 6
Paradise Beneath her Feet
Host: Amiee
November 17
Miss Peregrines Home for Peculiar Children
Host: Lindsay
January 26
Maltese Falcon
Host: Ann
March 23
Let the Great World Spin
Host: Julie
May 18, book choosing meeting for the next year
Thanks again, and I am so excited for our book and the next meeting at Rosie's house!  Check out the daffodils that Becky brought last night...they bloomed over night :)

FEB. 28, 2012
Hi all - I hope you are all doing well! Great news, we have another member, Lennie! Please look at her page on our site to get a look at her book choices . Our first get together is March 17, 7 pm  at my house :) We will be getting to know each other, talking about our book choices (basically what led you to chose the books you chose), and voting on our seven choices. Think about if there is a month that you would prefer NOT to host if applicable. I'm sure looking forward to it - thanks for being a part of this group.

FEB. 19, 2012
Hello my fellow book clubers! I am so pleased to announce that our choices are up and live on our blog! Please look at each member's page and:
  • Check and see if you have already read any of these books so that member can swap it with another choice.
  • Read the synopses and get a feel for which book you would like to read so you are ready to vote on March 17 :)
  • If you are up for it, go on and read a sample of each book to better inform your vote
I am already so excited by the diversity of our book nominees - I would have never heard of most of these books with out you ladies...and I already have strong preference for more than one book on all the lists, so great job to all of you for making excellent choices.
All my best,

FEB. 7, 2012
I am so excited to start up our book club in March! I have started up this site for us to place our book choices, discuss, communicate, etc. in the times between meetings.
Our first meeting date is March 17 at Lindsay's house, 7 pm. We will have munchies, dessert and drinks, get to know each other, and choose the books for the upcoming year. At this time, we have five of us in the club, so there is a place for one more if you have any suggestions or friends interested.
Please have your selections ready by February 18, so I can put the titles and synopsis together for the other members to read ahead of time. If there are people who have read a book already, or if there are duplicate choices, that will allow time to pick another book before our choice meeting. Please email me your choices by Feb. 18.
The other meeting days are as follows: May 19 (this will be the first actual book club meeting), July 21, September 22, November 17, January 26, March 23, and May 18. May 18 will be our book choosing meeting for the following year for those who wish to continue with the group.
Please put those dates in your calendar :)


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