Way back in time to the start of our journey through mystery, time and place, we arrive in Italy of 1327. The Name of the Rose takes place in an Italian monastery. It was the author's debut novel and it came out in the 1980's. Who's ready to get their Tonsure haircut? ( Tonsure (/ˈtɒnʃər/) is the practice of cutting or shaving some or all of the hair on the scalp as a sign of religious devotion or humility. The term originates from the Latin word tōnsūra (meaning "clipping" or "shearing"[1]) and referred to a specific practice in medieval Catholicism, abandoned by papal order in 1972. Tonsure can also refer to the secular practice of shaving all or part of the scalp to show support or sympathy, or to designate mourning. Current usage more generally refers to cutting or shaving for monks, devotees, or mystics of any religion as a symbol of their renunciation of worldly fashion and esteem.) Oh shoot, it was discontinued in 1972. Check out this group of ...