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Showing posts from March, 2019

S7.3 The Secret Lives of Colors Discussion

The Secret Lives of Colors by Kassia St. Clair "Colors, therefore, should be understood as subjective cultural creations: you could no more meaningfully secure a precisie universal definition for all the known shades than you could plot the coordinates of a dream" page 27. First of all....ROLE CALL: what is your favorite color! 1. On PRISMS and Newton...and his eye dagger. FUN* (*incredibly disturbing) FACT ALERT! When Newton was 24 he discovered that the color spectrum is contained within white light. YAY! When he was 23, sent home from college because of an outbreak of the plague, he spent that time sticking  a bodkin - this small dagger - into his eye.  BOO! Newton was famously interested in optics and the nature of light.  However, he was also interested in the visual stimulus, and the physiological processes by which objective reality is perceived by us. So, to address this question, Sir Isaac Newton though...